Thursday, March 5, 2009

Everyone Wants to Change the World

Many of you attended the Not For Sale event 2 weeks ago at North Way Oakland Church, and one of the resounding messages shared during the evening was: "You can change the world". David Batstone, founder of the Not For Sale movement (a modern anti-slavery movement for those who aren't yet familiar), strongly emphasized the point that college students are vastly undervalued in their abilities, both by themselves and by the world in general. But don't let the world, or your own thoughts for that matter, tell you what you can't do. You CAN change the world - for generations college students have been shaping culture, starting social movements, fueling revolutions, and changing the world - sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. 

Advertising agencies know it - more marketing is targeted at you than any other demographic. President Obama knows it - his campaign was carried on the shoulders of college students. Social movements like Not For Sale and the One Campaign know it - you, college students, right now, can change the world. But how?

Lots of people and organizations will allure you with this vision of "changing the world", but in most cases the change they're talking about is fleeting and temporary at best. We're told that working for Apple or IBM will change the world, but how much will it really? Technology is great, but does it really matter whether people have iPhones or not? They'll be obsolete in 2 years anyway. What about the latest social networking thing - we're told that facebook, twitter, and all these social networking tools "change the world" by changing how we relate to one another. But do they really? Would your life really be that different if you didn't have facebook? In 15 years we'll probably be laughing at how absurd facebook was.

Don't settle for something that will only make a temporary impact. Aim high, seek to really change the world. I think that the highest aim and the way we will make a lasting impact on the world is through the Great Commission, Jesus' command to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20) 

Think about it - what will really bring lasting change to the world? No matter what social problem or world dilemma you look at, it's spiritual renewal in Christ that is ultimately the solution. The AIDS crisis in Africa? Spiritual awakening in Christ would decrease the sexual promiscuity and governmental corruption that fuels the crisis. The economy? Spiritual renewal in Christ would bring integrity to business, whereas greed and lack of integrity largely caused the mess we're in. High suicide rates? Jesus would bring hope and meaning to life. World poverty? Spiritual awakening in Christ would produce greater compassion and more generosity in giving, and more people would be prompted to serve those who are the most poor and hurting.

And the spiritual need is the greatest need any person has. I don't say that to diminish the real, urgent physical needs of so many - poverty, slavery, mental health, etc. - but behind all that stands a deeper spiritual need - without Christ a person will spend eternity separate from God, in far greater pain even than that they're in now.

I've become convinced that we - this generation - can be the ones who finish the Great Commission. It's been unfolding for thousands of years since Jesus gave His command, and we're on the brink of seeing it finished. With technology and ability to travel shrinking the globe daily, making disciples of all nations is more attainable now than ever before. Can you imagine being a part of the culmination of Jesus' plan? We can be! What higher goal is there? And not only can we be a part of the finish, we can be a part of changing eternity for thousands, perhaps millions of people around the world, as people from all nations come to Christ. What higher goal is there?

I lay down this vision and challenge because as college students, you really can change the world. You may underestimate what you can do, but the reality is that you are the leaders. Leaders of culture, future leaders in business, government, and the church. You've been blessed and privileged with intelligence, energy, education, and nearly limitless opportunity. You stand in a position that most around the world don't get. And as American Christians involved in a campus ministry, you have more spiritual resources and biblical knowledge than many pastors in the third world. How will you use these gifts that have been entrusted to you?

My challenge to you is to consider what part God would have you play in finishing the Great Commission, in entering into His unfolding plan of redemption of the world. It could be through directly going into full-time ministry, going on the frontlines in taking Jesus to those who've never heard of Him. It could be through involvement in social justice organizations like Not For Sale - offering the hope and redemption of Christ through meeting the incredible physical and social needs of people who would be perhaps the most receptive to Him, and changing the worlds systems to make them more Christlike. It could be through a job in the marketplace - using your financial gain to fund missionary efforts and the spread of the Gospel, and reaching other business leaders for Christ, then sharing the same vision with them.

Whatever the case may be, as you are making your career choices and seeking to discern God's will for the next part of your life, aim for a high calling. Seek to be a part of finishing the Great Commission. Ask God what part He'd have you play, and obey when He leads you. And earnestly consider full-time ministry - it's easy to use "God's called me to the working world" as a cop out. Many are indeed called there, but many are also called into full-time ministry who don't go.

We know from Revelation that the Great Commission will be fulfilled, it's only a matter of time. Revelation 7:9 says, "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...".

Don't waste your life by investing in things too small for you. You are children of the King, and He's called you to be a part of His grand plan to change the world. What is your role?


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