Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heaven on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Maria and I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition tonight, like we do on many Sundays. You know the part where they shout, "Move that Bus!", the music reaches a crescendo, and we see the family's reaction at seeing their astounding new palace? I think there is a little glimpse of Heaven there.

In John 14:2-3, Jesus says, "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." Like Ty Pennington and his tireless crew, Jesus is preparing for us a place that's beyond what we deserve, and I have a feeling that seeing the greatness of that place will bring us to our knees in awe, wonder, and sheer joy. Some of the reactions when the bus pulls away, revealing the new house, are: falling over in shock and delight, screams and unabashed tears of joy, an endless stream of "thank you so much" profusely expelling itself from the mouths of the overwhelmed family, the family hugging and enjoying the gravity of the moment together. They just can't control their emotions. That's why I love that moment - it's raw and real and powerful. I can't imagine that our reaction to Heaven will be any different, and certainly not any less. The glories of Heaven will floor us far more than seeing a palatial new earthly mansion. We'll fall down in wonder and awe, our emotions will pour forth in a stream of worship and joy, and we'll be overwhelmed by just how much Jesus really has done for us - to pay for our sins and, in total grace, bring us into this glorious place beyond compare.

John Piper says that God's glory and our joy go hand in hand, and I think that our entrance into Heaven will be one of those moments where we really get that concept. We'll be overjoyed to the point of unhindered worship, full of joy, giving Him all glory. And we'll get to share that with our brothers and sisters, our loved ones in Christ, along with other brothers and sisters from all around the world. 

"And some say that this world of trouble
Is the only one we'll ever see
But I'm waiting for that morning
When the new world is revealed

When the new world is revealed
When the new world is revealed
Lord, how I want to be there on that morning
When the new world is revealed"

--from "When the Saints Go Marching In", as performed by Bruce Springsteen and the Sessions Band

I can't wait.


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