So where does that leave us, people involved with Cru? It means that the first 2 weeks back are the time for ministry, the most important 2 weeks of the year. We have the opportunity to help Christians find true meaning and purpose for their college years, and help non-Christians see that there is a meaning beyond the emptiness of the party scene. This is why we have so many events through the first 2 weeks - we're seeking to connect with as many people as we can.
What we offer Christians is an opportunity to be a part of an authentic community of believers, growing together and impacting the lives of other students for eternity; a college career full of meaning and growth. Some of the freshmen we meet may become missionaries, Christian leaders in government or business, or someone who influences thousands in some way for Christ. Connecting with a body of believers at the start of college is a huge step in whatever path God may have for them.
What we offer non-believers is an opportunity to escape the empty, depressing, dissatisfying life of partying, broken relationships, and addiction. We offer them hope for their souls, forgiveness, and eternal life.
Our influence and opportunity is huge! It's corny, I know, but that quote from Gladiator, "What we do in life echoes in eternity", comes to my mind when I think about this stuff. And it's true.
So, my encouragement to you as you get ready to come back to school is this: be ready. Spend some time with God, ask Him to fill you up and prepare you to be used by Him on the frontlines of the first 2 weeks. Pray for the freshman coming to school. Dream big and think about what an amazing impact you can have in people's lives. And when you get to school, make the most of those 2 weeks. Meet people, love them, build friendships with them. People on your floor, in your classes, in the cafeteria, wherever. Invite people to come with you to Cru stuff. And take opportunities to tell them about the hope you have in Jesus. I'm convinced that if people see the quality of the relationships we have in the body of Christ, they'll desire more, and God will use it to draw them to Jesus. Isn't it cool that we can be a part of it?!
I'm excited, and getting prepared. How 'bout you?
Can't wait for school to start,
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