I want to take a minute to share our basic vision and leadership structure with you. This specifically applies to Pitt students. Other students, you're off the hook from reading this. Enjoy the rest of your day!
First off, a huge thanks to all of you who participated in the planning meeting at the end of the Spring semester. We were hoping that meeting would set up the events of the first 2 weeks of the Fall, and we have some great stuff on the calendar. I think the start of this year will be quite significant in reaching students for Christ and seeing Cru continue to grow. There seemed to be some confusion about that meeting - I think it had the impression of a general planning meeting for the whole year, when we intended it to be a time to map out the first 2 weeks. I'm really sorry for any frustration that arose for that - we didn't mean to blow off suggestions for the ministry as a whole. We as staff and as a servant team desperately want your input and help in leading! Cru is a student-led ministry and we need you, the students, to step in and offer leadership. We want to provide every opportunity we can in helping you do that.
That being said, I want to outline our general leadership structure for Pitt Cru. This was put in place as a way to expand leadership beyond servant team and give as many people as possible the opportunity to lead. Right now, we have 3 leadership teams that will do the planning and execution of all the events in Cru. These are the Win, Build, and Send teams. As we grow, we'll likely expand to more teams that each have more of a specific focus.
The Win team covers evangelism and campus outreach, as well as community and social events. Any events or plans related to those areas - survey times, everypittstudent.com stuff, evangelism training, weekend socials, after Cru events, etc. - are led by the Win Team. There is constantly something they're planning, and it's a great team to be on if you're motivated by big tasks and compassion for people. We decided to put community and social stuff on that team because the most effective way to reach people for Christ is through relationships and community. The Win team is led by Alyssa and Rachele.
The Build team covers the weekly meeting (Cru) and anything related to discipleship and growth (Bible studies, discipleship, mens/womens times). There are LOTS of places to get involved and lead on this team - they've got a lot to cover. If you've got a heart to see people grow and make steps in their faith, this is a good team to join. The Build team is led by Heather and Tim.
The Send team covers prayer and "sending" - conferences and retreats, summer projects, equipping and motivating graduating seniors to minister for a lifetime. They handle conference recruiting and registration, rides, finances - all the behind the scenes stuff that gets people to RADIATE or Big Break, etc. If you love details and spreadsheets, this is where you want to be. They also have the huge responsibility of mobilizing prayer for the movement. We consider prayer part of "sending" because it's through prayer that we're sent forward as a laborer for Christ. The Send team is led by Julia and Rob.
The team leaders make up the Servant Team, whose responsibility it is to maintain the direction and vision of who we are and where we're going as a movement, to look ahead to what will be happening in the months and semesters ahead, maintain communication between the 3 teams and map out the semester calendar, and provide a mature spiritual example for people to follow.
So...we would LOVE for anyone who wants to help lead to join one (or more if you'd so desire) of these 3 leadership teams. These are the places where you can make your suggestions, ideas, and heart known and help make Cru an effective and growing ministry that is making a deep impact on the campus for Christ. Talk to the team leaders to get involved more, and please help lead!!
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